水费随用水量而变化, 它的波动受很多因素的影响, 包括住在一栋房子里的人数. Everyone has different personal water habits that will affect the amount of water used in a given month, 每个季节的用水量也不同. Many customers increase their water consumption in the summer months by using water cooled air conditioning, 浇花园, 洗车, 填满游泳池, 等. Bills may also fluctuate based on the number of days in a billing period. BWSC bills every month; however, on occasion a bill may be over or under the 30 day period. Most bills are based on actual readings, while estimated bills are based on usage history.
水费随用水量而变化, which fluctuates from month to month. Many customers increase their water consumption in the summer months by using water cooled air conditioning, 浇花园, 洗车, 填满游泳池, 等. 否则, a drastic increase in consumption could be an indication that a problem exists at a property and should be inspected for leaks by checking all plumbing, 固定装置及用水器具. 在线监控你的用水情况. 如果它急剧变化,你很快就会发现.
Faucets – Check all faucets and piping for leaks by monitoring for drips of water under sinks and from exposed pipes. Perform an inspection with the water on and off, as some leaks only occur when the water is on.
Toilets – Add a few drops of food coloring in the toilet tank. If the food coloring appears in the toilet bowl, this means you have a leak. Some toilet leaks are intermittent, so you don’t always see or hear the water running.
Check plumbing in the basement by monitoring for drips of water coming from exposed pipes. Occasionally, leaks develop behind walls or in areas that are not visible. Read your meter periodically to monitor for drastic changes. Your water meter is read from left to right, just like a car odometer. 你的仪表显示的单位是立方英尺. 7.48加仑的水=1立方英尺的水.
水费随用水量而变化, which can fluctuate based on personal water habits. You can lower the water consumption at your property by installing water saving devices or following some simple conservation tips. 你也可以报名参加一个免费的环保工具包.
Actual readings are obtained each day via the automated meter reading (AMR) system. 如果仪表传输单元(MTU)不起作用, you will receive an estimated bill based on previous usage. If your property is equipped with the AMR system and you receive an estimated bill, 请致电客户服务部 617-989-7800.
Your sewer charge is based on the water consumption at your property. Sewer rates are higher than water rates to cover the costs paid to the MWRA and to pay ongoing maintenance and improvements to BWSC infrastructure, as well as costs associated with its federally mandated environmental projects.
您可以通过BWSC的网站支付账单. 访问我们的“我的帐户”页面,现在支付您的账单. BWSC offers the option of payments via phone through Paymentus, our bill payment service. 要用电话付帐,请拨 844-470-5881.
BWSC接受万事达卡, 签证, 发现, debit cards with these logos and cash at its headquarters at 哈里森大道980号, 波士顿, 办公时间. Credit cards and eChecks are also accepted online and over the phone. Visit our 我的账户 page to pay your bill through Paymentus.
我在买/卖房产. 我该怎么办??
If you are purchasing or selling a home in 波士顿, contact BWSC Lien Department at 617-989-7160 要求最后的电表读数和留置权证书. 根据房产类型的不同,费用在25美元到150美元之间. The lien certificate should be presented at the home’s closing to ensure the seller pays all accrued charges. For more information, visit our 买卖物业 page.
我暂时不在. 我该怎么办??
如果你要离开很长一段时间, 您可以向客户服务部提交书面请求, 哈里森大道980号, 波士顿, MA 02119, 关闭你家的供水系统. Once the water service is shut off, all faucets should be completely drained.
除了, 你应通知BWSC你的转寄地址, 这样你就能收到水费和下水道费了. BWSC有邮局的退货服务, 任何无法交付的票据将被退回BWSC.
It is the responsibility of the property owner to protect the service pipe and water meter from freezing. 如果你的仪表冻结了, BWSC将更换电表, and your account will be assessed a meter replacement fee based on the meter size. 如果服务管道结冰, it is the owner’s responsibility to thaw the frozen pipe or consult a licensed plumber.
- Insulate water meter and pipes in unheated spaces like garages, basements, and crawl spaces. Insulated hot water pipes will also decrease your wait time for warm water.
- 修理破损的窗户、门和墙壁. 关闭 all doors and windows near pipes, and make sure there is no draft.
- During cold weather (prolonged temperatures below 32 degrees) allow a slow trickle of water to flow through faucets connected to water pipes that run through unheated spaces.
- Disconnect garden hoses and install covers on all outside faucets. Shut off water to outside faucets and drain those water lines.
不要用明火解冻结冰的管道. This is not only a fire hazard, it could also cause a steam explosion. 使用吹风机或加热灯解冻结冰的管道, and open a nearby faucet to release vapor from melting ice.
When pipes are frozen, there is often water available at one faucet but not another. If there is no water at all, the problem may be in the street, and you should call BWSC at 617-989-7900.
Your water meter is read from left to right, just like a car odometer. 你的仪表显示的单位是立方英尺. 7.48加仑= 1立方英尺的水.
Can I obtain a bill history or a duplicate bill for my account?
You can obtain your current and previous month’s bill and a transaction history for the previous 24 months via BWSC’s 我的账户. Should you need additional information, please contact 客户服务 at 617-989-7800.
If you are moving, it is necessary to update the mailing address on your account. 您可以通过以下电话与客户服务联系 617-989-7800 或者通过我们的网站.
Can I bill my residential tenant for water and sewer charges?
The Water Sub-Metering Act was signed into law on December 16, 2004. Tenants in apartments occupied from this date forward are eligible for sub-metering. 欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的计量页面.