Why does my bill change from month to month?
Bills change according to water usage, which fluctuates as a result of a number of things, including the number of people who live at a property. 每个人都有不同的个人用水习惯,这将影响一个月的用水量, and water consumption may vary from season to season. 许多客户在夏季使用水冷式空调,从而增加了用水量, watering gardens, washing cars, filling swimming pools, etc. 账单也可能根据结算期内的天数而波动. BWSC bills every month; however, on occasion a bill may be over or under the 30 day period. 大多数账单是基于实际读数,而估计账单是基于使用历史.
Why is my bill so high?
水费每个月都在波动,账单也随水费变化. 许多客户在夏季使用水冷式空调,从而增加了用水量, watering gardens, washing cars, filling swimming pools, etc. Otherwise, 消耗量的急剧增加可能表明房产存在问题,应该通过检查所有管道来检查是否有泄漏, fixtures and water appliances. Monitor your water usage online. If it changes drastically, you’ll find out quickly.
How do I check for leaks?
水龙头-检查所有水龙头和管道是否泄漏,监测水槽下和暴露管道的滴水情况. 在开水和关水的情况下进行检查,因为有些泄漏只在开水的情况下发生.
厕所——在马桶水箱中加入几滴食用色素. 如果食用色素出现在马桶里,这意味着你漏水了. 有些厕所漏水是间歇性的,所以你并不总是看到或听到水在流.
检查地下室的管道,监测从暴露的管道流出的水滴. 偶尔,漏水发生在墙后或不可见的地方. 定期阅读仪表以监测剧烈的变化. 水表的读数是从左到右,就像汽车里程表一样. Your meter reads in cubic feet. 7.48 gallons of water =1 cubic foot (cf) of water.
How can I lower my bill and conserve water?
账单会根据用水量而变化,而用水量又会根据个人的用水习惯而波动. 你可以通过安装节水装置或遵循一些简单的节水技巧来降低房屋的用水量. You may also sign up for a free conservation kit.
Why is my bill estimated?
每天通过自动抄表(AMR)系统获得实际读数. If the meter transmission unit (MTU) is not functioning, you will receive an estimated bill based on previous usage. 如果你的房产配备了AMR系统,你会收到一份预估账单, please call Customer Service at 617-989-7800.
Why is my sewer charge higher than my water charge?
你的排污费是根据你的房子的用水量来计算的. 下水道费率高于水费,以支付支付给水务局的费用,并支付持续维护和改善城市污水管网基础设施的费用, 以及与联邦政府授权的环境项目相关的成本.
Can I pay my bill online or over the phone?
You can pay your bill via BWSC’s website. Visit our My Account page to pay your bill now. BWSC通过我们的账单支付服务Paymentus提供电话付款选项. To pay your bill over the phone, dial 844-470-5881.
Can I pay my bill with a credit card?
BWSC accepts MasterCard, Visa, Discover, 以及在哈里森大道980号总部的借记卡和现金, Boston, during office hours. 信用卡和电子支票也可以在线和电话支付. 访问我们的“我的帐户”页面,通过Paymentus支付您的账单.
I am buying/selling property. What should I do?
如果您在波士顿购买或出售房屋,请联系BWSC留置权部 617-989-7160 to request a final meter read and a lien certificate. The cost is $25 to $150 depending on the type of property. 留置权证书应在房屋成交时出示,以确保卖方支付所有应计费用. 有关更多信息,请访问我们的“购买或出售财产”页面.
I will be away temporarily. What should I do?
If you will be away for an extended period of time, you may submit a written request to Customer Service, 980 Harrison Avenue, Boston, MA 02119, to shut off the water service at your property. 一旦水服务被关闭,所有的水龙头应该完全放空.
In addition, you should notify BWSC of your forwarding address, so that you may receive your water and sewer bills. BWSC has a return service with the Post Office, and any bills which are undeliverable are returned to BWSC.
How do I prevent my pipes from freezing?
保护水管和水表不受冻是业主的责任. If your meter does freeze, BWSC will replace the meter, 您的账户将根据水表的大小收取更换水表的费用. If the service pipe freezes, 业主有责任解冻冰冻的水管或咨询持牌水喉匠.
Tips on preventing your pipes from freezing:
- 绝缘水表和管道在非加热空间,如车库,地下室,和爬行空间. 保温热水管也会减少你等待热水的时间
- Repair broken and cracked windows, doors, and walls. 关闭所有靠近管道的门窗,确保没有通风
- 在寒冷的天气里(温度长时间低于32度),让水流通过连接水管的水龙头缓慢流动,水管穿过未加热的空间
- 断开花园软管,并在所有外部水龙头上安装盖子. 关闭外部水龙头的水,并排空这些水管
What should I do if my pipes freeze?
Do not use an open flame to thaw a frozen pipe. 这不仅有火灾隐患,还可能导致蒸汽爆炸. Use a hair dryer or heat lamp to thaw a frozen pipe, and open a nearby faucet to release vapor from melting ice.
当管道结冰时,通常一个水龙头上有水,而另一个则没有. 如果根本没有水,问题可能出在街上,你应该打电话给BWSC 617-989-7900.
How do I read my water meter?
水表的读数是从左到右,就像汽车里程表一样. Your meter reads in cubic feet. 7.48 gallons = 1 cubic foot (cf) of water.
您可以通过BWSC的“我的账户”获取当前和上月的账单以及过去24个月的交易记录. 如需更多资料,请致电 617-989-7800.
How can I change my mailing address?
如果你要搬家,有必要更新你账户上的邮寄地址. You may contact Customer Service at 617-989-7800 或通过我们网站的住宿服务页面访问.
Residential Services Page
《365集团官网》于2004年12月16日签署成为法律. 自即日起入住公寓的租户有资格进行分计量. For more information visit our Metering page.